
1:28:14 AM


ADDON's official documentation

Guide mesh < > Final Mesh Editor

V 1.5.7

Tip: Explore my website, find out what my favorite movie is and contact me to get a free perpetual license for the Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor!

Edit Guide Mesh and Final Mesh Simultaneously

Does your modeling technique revolve around the Shrinkwrap workflow? Are you in search of a more concept modeling-friendly approach? Have you ever thought about editing both the Guide Mesh and Final Mesh simultaneously? If so, the Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor (optimized for Blender 4 from version 1.5 onwards) is probably just what you need.

ADDON's official documentation

Guide mesh < > Final Mesh Editor

V 1.5.7

Tip: Explore my website, find out what my favorite movie is and contact me to get a free perpetual license for the Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor!

Edit Guide Mesh and Final Mesh Simultaneously

Does your modeling technique revolve around the Shrinkwrap workflow? Are you in search of a more concept modeling-friendly approach? Have you ever thought about editing both the Guide Mesh and Final Mesh simultaneously? If so, the Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor (optimized for Blender 4 from version 1.5 onwards) is probably just what you need.

ADDON's official documentation

Guide mesh < > Final Mesh Editor

V 1.5.7

Tip: Explore my website, find out what my favorite movie is and contact me to get a free perpetual license for the Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor!

Edit Guide Mesh and Final Mesh Simultaneously

Does your modeling technique revolve around the Shrinkwrap workflow? Are you in search of a more concept modeling-friendly approach? Have you ever thought about editing both the Guide Mesh and Final Mesh simultaneously? If so, the Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor (optimized for Blender 4 from version 1.5 onwards) is probably just what you need.

ADDON's official documentation

Guide mesh < > Final Mesh Editor

V 1.5.7

Tip: Explore my website, find out what my favorite movie is and contact me to get a free perpetual license for the Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor!

Edit Guide Mesh and Final Mesh Simultaneously

Does your modeling technique revolve around the Shrinkwrap workflow? Are you in search of a more concept modeling-friendly approach? Have you ever thought about editing both the Guide Mesh and Final Mesh simultaneously? If so, the Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor (optimized for Blender 4 from version 1.5 onwards) is probably just what you need.

1 - What is it?
2 - How does it work?
3 - I already have a Guide Mesh/Final Mesh, what now?
4 - Final Advices
5 - Keymaps
1 - What is it?
2 - How does it work?
3 - I already have a Guide Mesh/Final Mesh, what now?
4 - Final Advices
5 - Keymaps
1 - What is it?
2 - How does it work?
3 - I already have a Guide Mesh/Final Mesh, what now?
4 - Final Advices
5 - Keymaps

Video summary

Video summary

This video may not be up to date.

This video may not be up to date.

New features
  • Isolate Mesh Island

  • More Bevel control (boundaries)

recent fix
  • Isolate Guide/Final/Reveal All

  • Overlapping Vertex Selector

still in progress
  • Proximity Selection

  • Shrinkwrap'Adjust

  • Vertex Group management



Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor setup

Pie Menu

Object Mode

Establish the Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh relationship from your selection. This script will: rename the meshes, add necessary modifiers and vertex groups, parent them, and allocate them to their corresponding collections.

Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor setup

Pie Menu

Object Mode

Establish the Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh relationship from your selection. This script will: rename the meshes, add necessary modifiers and vertex groups, parent them, and allocate them to their corresponding collections.

Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor setup

Pie Menu

Object Mode

Establish the Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh relationship from your selection. This script will: rename the meshes, add necessary modifiers and vertex groups, parent them, and allocate them to their corresponding collections.



Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor Dual Mesh Edit Mode
Dual Mesh Edit Mode

Pie Menu

Object Mode

Automatically selects the Guide and Final Mesh designated in your pie menu (accessible via the N panel), irrespective of their visibility or selection status, and switches to edit mode.

Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor Dual Mesh Edit Mode
Dual Mesh Edit Mode

Pie Menu

Object Mode

Automatically selects the Guide and Final Mesh designated in your pie menu (accessible via the N panel), irrespective of their visibility or selection status, and switches to edit mode.

Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor Dual Mesh Edit Mode
Dual Mesh Edit Mode

Pie Menu

Object Mode

Automatically selects the Guide and Final Mesh designated in your pie menu (accessible via the N panel), irrespective of their visibility or selection status, and switches to edit mode.

Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor Isolation Modes
Isolate Guide Mesh / Isolate Final Mesh / Reveal all

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

While in Dual Mesh Edit Mode, this function enables you to isolate the mesh you wish to concentrate on. It displays a text at the top of the viewport as a reminder.

New: if run from normal Edit Mode (with only one mesh currently in Edit Mode), it will give you the possibility to switch to Dual Mesh Edit Mode


Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor Isolation Modes
Isolate Guide Mesh / Isolate Final Mesh / Reveal all

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

While in Dual Mesh Edit Mode, this function enables you to isolate the mesh you wish to concentrate on. It displays a text at the top of the viewport as a reminder.

New: if run from normal Edit Mode (with only one mesh currently in Edit Mode), it will give you the possibility to switch to Dual Mesh Edit Mode


Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor Isolation Modes
Isolate Guide Mesh / Isolate Final Mesh / Reveal all

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

While in Dual Mesh Edit Mode, this function enables you to isolate the mesh you wish to concentrate on. It displays a text at the top of the viewport as a reminder.

New: if run from normal Edit Mode (with only one mesh currently in Edit Mode), it will give you the possibility to switch to Dual Mesh Edit Mode




Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor Panel Gap Creator
Set Panel Gap

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

Based on your selection, this function transforms a series of edges into a Panel Gap.

About panel gaps
Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor Panel Gap Creator
Set Panel Gap

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

Based on your selection, this function transforms a series of edges into a Panel Gap.

About panel gaps
Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor Panel Gap Creator
Set Panel Gap

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

Based on your selection, this function transforms a series of edges into a Panel Gap.

About panel gaps
Undo Panel Gap

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

Unset panel gap based on your selection (vertices don't need to belong to the same mesh island).

Undo Panel Gap

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

Unset panel gap based on your selection (vertices don't need to belong to the same mesh island).

Undo Panel Gap

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

Unset panel gap based on your selection (vertices don't need to belong to the same mesh island).

(Un)Crease / (Un)Bevel / Un(Sharpen)

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

Shortcuts to assign/remove edge crease/weight and vertex crease to your selection.

(Un)Crease / (Un)Bevel / Un(Sharpen)

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

Shortcuts to assign/remove edge crease/weight and vertex crease to your selection.

(Un)Crease / (Un)Bevel / Un(Sharpen)

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

Shortcuts to assign/remove edge crease/weight and vertex crease to your selection.

Bevel debugging

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

Alt + Click Bevel = Lets you manually adjust the mean Bevel Weight of your selected edges
Ctrl + Alt + Click Bevel = Lets you manually adjust the mean Bevel Weight of your selected mesh island's boundary loop


Bevel debugging

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

Alt + Click Bevel = Lets you manually adjust the mean Bevel Weight of your selected edges
Ctrl + Alt + Click Bevel = Lets you manually adjust the mean Bevel Weight of your selected mesh island's boundary loop


Bevel debugging

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

Alt + Click Bevel = Lets you manually adjust the mean Bevel Weight of your selected edges
Ctrl + Alt + Click Bevel = Lets you manually adjust the mean Bevel Weight of your selected mesh island's boundary loop




Proximity Selection (Single object)
Proximity Selection - Single Object (Beta)

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

Togglable function that passively and automatically selects nearby geometries based on your selection. Ideal for fine-tuning panel gaps. Doesn't support deselection (in case of a mis-click, CTRL+Z is your friend).

Proximity Selection (Single object)
Proximity Selection - Single Object (Beta)

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

Togglable function that passively and automatically selects nearby geometries based on your selection. Ideal for fine-tuning panel gaps. Doesn't support deselection (in case of a mis-click, CTRL+Z is your friend).

Proximity Selection (Single object)
Proximity Selection - Single Object (Beta)

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

Togglable function that passively and automatically selects nearby geometries based on your selection. Ideal for fine-tuning panel gaps. Doesn't support deselection (in case of a mis-click, CTRL+Z is your friend).

Proximity Selection (Multi object)
Proximity Selection - Multi Object (Beta)

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

Similar to the previous feature, this function searches and selects across all meshes in Edit Mode. Ideal for fine-tuning panel gaps and Guide Mesh. Doesn't support deselection (in case of a mis-click, CTRL+Z is your friend).

Proximity Selection (Multi object)
Proximity Selection - Multi Object (Beta)

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

Similar to the previous feature, this function searches and selects across all meshes in Edit Mode. Ideal for fine-tuning panel gaps and Guide Mesh. Doesn't support deselection (in case of a mis-click, CTRL+Z is your friend).

Proximity Selection (Multi object)
Proximity Selection - Multi Object (Beta)

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

Similar to the previous feature, this function searches and selects across all meshes in Edit Mode. Ideal for fine-tuning panel gaps and Guide Mesh. Doesn't support deselection (in case of a mis-click, CTRL+Z is your friend).


Isolate Mesh Island

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

Based on your selection, detects its belonging mesh island and isolate it while staying in edit mode. Your selection must belong to one same mesh island.


Isolate Mesh Island

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

Based on your selection, detects its belonging mesh island and isolate it while staying in edit mode. Your selection must belong to one same mesh island.


Isolate Mesh Island

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

Based on your selection, detects its belonging mesh island and isolate it while staying in edit mode. Your selection must belong to one same mesh island.


Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor Overlapping Vertex Lister
Overlapping Vertex Lister

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

Based on your selection, lists all vertices sharing the same coordinates across all meshes currently in edit mode. Ideal for selecting a specific vertex in densely populated areas.


Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor Overlapping Vertex Lister
Overlapping Vertex Lister

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

Based on your selection, lists all vertices sharing the same coordinates across all meshes currently in edit mode. Ideal for selecting a specific vertex in densely populated areas.


Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor Overlapping Vertex Lister
Overlapping Vertex Lister

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

Based on your selection, lists all vertices sharing the same coordinates across all meshes currently in edit mode. Ideal for selecting a specific vertex in densely populated areas.


Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor Sync Selection Across Multiple Meshes
Sync Selection Across Multiple Meshes

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

Similar to Proximity Selection (Multi object) but not automated, this feature detects any vertices, edges, and faces on other meshes that share the same coordinates as your selection.

Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor Sync Selection Across Multiple Meshes
Sync Selection Across Multiple Meshes

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

Similar to Proximity Selection (Multi object) but not automated, this feature detects any vertices, edges, and faces on other meshes that share the same coordinates as your selection.

Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor Sync Selection Across Multiple Meshes
Sync Selection Across Multiple Meshes

Pie Menu

Edit Mode

Similar to Proximity Selection (Multi object) but not automated, this feature detects any vertices, edges, and faces on other meshes that share the same coordinates as your selection.

Display / Performance Tools

Display / Performance Tools

Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor Final Mesh Display

Pie Menu

Object + Edit Mode

Quickly change your Guide Mesh' and Final Mesh viewport display settings. Requires Blender's Modifier Tools Addon (free and included in Blender).

Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor Final Mesh Display

Pie Menu

Object + Edit Mode

Quickly change your Guide Mesh' and Final Mesh viewport display settings. Requires Blender's Modifier Tools Addon (free and included in Blender).



Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor Version Manager N-Panel
Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor Version Manager N-Panel
Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor Version Manager N-Panel
Version Manager


Collection system for handling multiple variants in the add-on's pie menu. Easily select, manipulate, and assign Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh pairs. Can be used to manage multiple Hard Surface Concepts, or even different parts of your model that require different Shrinkwrap setups.

Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor Version Manager N-Panel
Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor Version Manager N-Panel
Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor Version Manager N-Panel
Version Manager


Collection system for handling multiple variants in the add-on's pie menu. Easily select, manipulate, and assign Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh pairs. Can be used to manage multiple Hard Surface Concepts, or even different parts of your model that require different Shrinkwrap setups.

Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor Snap'Adjust Mode

Pie Menu

Object Mode

Open both meshes with some snapping presets, allowing you to adjust one mesh onto another.

Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor Snap'Adjust Mode

Pie Menu

Object Mode

Open both meshes with some snapping presets, allowing you to adjust one mesh onto another.

This addon is in constant evolution and may have some bugs.

This addon is in constant evolution and may have some bugs.

Happy Blending!

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