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Edit Guide Mesh and Final Mesh Simultaneously

Does your modeling technique revolve around the Shrinkwrap workflow? Are you in search of a less destructive, more concept modeling-friendly approach? Have you ever thought about editing both the Guide Mesh and Final Mesh simultaneously? If so, the Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor (optimized for Blender 4 from version 1.5 onwards) is probably just what you need.





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Edit Guide Mesh and Final Mesh Simultaneously

Does your modeling technique revolve around the Shrinkwrap workflow? Are you in search of a less destructive, more concept modeling-friendly approach? Have you ever thought about editing both the Guide Mesh and Final Mesh simultaneously? If so, the Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor (optimized for Blender 4 from version 1.5 onwards) is probably just what you need.





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Edit Guide Mesh and Final Mesh Simultaneously

Does your modeling technique revolve around the Shrinkwrap workflow? Are you in search of a less destructive, more concept modeling-friendly approach? Have you ever thought about editing both the Guide Mesh and Final Mesh simultaneously? If so, the Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor (optimized for Blender 4 from version 1.5 onwards) is probably just what you need.





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Edit Guide Mesh and Final Mesh Simultaneously

Does your modeling technique revolve around the Shrinkwrap workflow? Are you in search of a less destructive, more concept modeling-friendly approach? Have you ever thought about editing both the Guide Mesh and Final Mesh simultaneously? If so, the Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor (optimized for Blender 4 from version 1.5 onwards) is probably just what you need.





Get the script(s) here

Get the script(s) here

Why did I create this addon?

I created this addon in response to the challenges concept designers face when using the shrinkwrap-based car modeling workflow. While this famous method delivers high surface quality, it lacks the flexibility needed for evolving designs that require iterative editing and refinement.

What does the script do?

It provides you a set of useful shortcuts available via a Pie Menu (CTRL+Shift+Q) and a menu in the N-panel, which facilitate simultaneous on-the-go editing, retrofitting or readjustment of both the Guide Mesh and Final Mesh.

How does it work in a nutshell?

  1. Model your Guide Mesh

  2. Setup your Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh relationship

  3. Polish your Final Mesh

  4. Use the addon to edit both meshes simultaneously, quickly create bevels, snap one geometry onto another, create a new version of your model, and much more

Why isn’t it free?

I am a designer, thus using ChatGPT4 to develop this addon. In an effort to offset my subscription expenses and the time dedicated to refining its outputs, I've opted to offer it for a modest fee.

Finally, follow those tips:

  1. Understanding the shrinkwrap workflow introduced by CGMasters is crucial, as this addon is designed around it.

  2. For an optimal workflow, use the Machin3tools plugin (5$).

  3. Auto panel gaps involve a sequence of shortcuts, primarily assigning bevel weights to selected edges and then splitting the surrounding faces using these edges. Corners are typically managed with Vertex Crease by default, but you can manually bevel these corners and adjust the topology to achieve greater roundness.

  4. Consequently, your final mesh will contain many overlapping vertices. It is advisable not to use auto-merge, as it may unintentionally merge some overlapping vertices, disrupting your panel gaps. If you need to dissolve or delete vertices, consider using the 'merge to last' function.

  5. Since Dual Mesh Edit Mode is a core feature of this addon, designed to save time and reduce hassle, aim to retain as many additional components as possible in your final mesh. Ultimately, your final mesh should encompass the main body, including elements like headlight lenses, doors, and the windshield.

  6. Remember, working smart is key. For complex operations that would require significant topology changes through the Shrinkwrap method, Booleans might still be the best solution.

Why did I create this addon?

I created this addon in response to the challenges concept designers face when using the shrinkwrap-based car modeling workflow. While this famous method delivers high surface quality, it lacks the flexibility needed for evolving designs that require iterative editing and refinement.

What does the script do?

It provides you a set of useful shortcuts available via a Pie Menu (CTRL+Shift+Q) and a menu in the N-panel, which facilitate simultaneous on-the-go editing, retrofitting or readjustment of both the Guide Mesh and Final Mesh.

How does it work in a nutshell?

  1. Model your Guide Mesh

  2. Setup your Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh relationship

  3. Polish your Final Mesh

  4. Use the addon to edit both meshes simultaneously, quickly create bevels, snap one geometry onto another, create a new version of your model, and much more

Why isn’t it free?

I am a designer, thus using ChatGPT4 to develop this addon. In an effort to offset my subscription expenses and the time dedicated to refining its outputs, I've opted to offer it for a modest fee.

Finally, follow those tips:

  1. Understanding the shrinkwrap workflow introduced by CGMasters is crucial, as this addon is designed around it.

  2. For an optimal workflow, use the Machin3tools plugin (5$).

  3. Auto panel gaps involve a sequence of shortcuts, primarily assigning bevel weights to selected edges and then splitting the surrounding faces using these edges. Corners are typically managed with Vertex Crease by default, but you can manually bevel these corners and adjust the topology to achieve greater roundness.

  4. Consequently, your final mesh will contain many overlapping vertices. It is advisable not to use auto-merge, as it may unintentionally merge some overlapping vertices, disrupting your panel gaps. If you need to dissolve or delete vertices, consider using the 'merge to last' function.

  5. Since Dual Mesh Edit Mode is a core feature of this addon, designed to save time and reduce hassle, aim to retain as many additional components as possible in your final mesh. Ultimately, your final mesh should encompass the main body, including elements like headlight lenses, doors, and the windshield.

  6. Remember, working smart is key. For complex operations that would require significant topology changes through the Shrinkwrap method, Booleans might still be the best solution.

Why did I create this addon?

I created this addon in response to the challenges concept designers face when using the shrinkwrap-based car modeling workflow. While this famous method delivers high surface quality, it lacks the flexibility needed for evolving designs that require iterative editing and refinement.

What does the script do?

It provides you a set of useful shortcuts available via a Pie Menu (CTRL+Shift+Q) and a menu in the N-panel, which facilitate simultaneous on-the-go editing, retrofitting or readjustment of both the Guide Mesh and Final Mesh.

How does it work in a nutshell?

  1. Model your Guide Mesh

  2. Setup your Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh relationship

  3. Polish your Final Mesh

  4. Use the addon to edit both meshes simultaneously, quickly create bevels, snap one geometry onto another, create a new version of your model, and much more

Why isn’t it free?

I am a designer, thus using ChatGPT4 to develop this addon. In an effort to offset my subscription expenses and the time dedicated to refining its outputs, I've opted to offer it for a modest fee.

Finally, follow those tips:

  1. Understanding the shrinkwrap workflow introduced by CGMasters is crucial, as this addon is designed around it.

  2. For an optimal workflow, use the Machin3tools plugin (5$).

  3. Auto panel gaps involve a sequence of shortcuts, primarily assigning bevel weights to selected edges and then splitting the surrounding faces using these edges. Corners are typically managed with Vertex Crease by default, but you can manually bevel these corners and adjust the topology to achieve greater roundness.

  4. Consequently, your final mesh will contain many overlapping vertices. It is advisable not to use auto-merge, as it may unintentionally merge some overlapping vertices, disrupting your panel gaps. If you need to dissolve or delete vertices, consider using the 'merge to last' function.

  5. Since Dual Mesh Edit Mode is a core feature of this addon, designed to save time and reduce hassle, aim to retain as many additional components as possible in your final mesh. Ultimately, your final mesh should encompass the main body, including elements like headlight lenses, doors, and the windshield.

  6. Remember, working smart is key. For complex operations that would require significant topology changes through the Shrinkwrap method, Booleans might still be the best solution.

Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Setup

Pie Menu - Object Mode

Create the Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh relationship from your selection. The script will: rename the meshes, add the required modifiers and vertex groups, parent them and assign them to their respective collections.

Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Setup

Pie Menu - Object Mode

Create the Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh relationship from your selection. The script will: rename the meshes, add the required modifiers and vertex groups, parent them and assign them to their respective collections.

Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Setup

Pie Menu - Object Mode

Create the Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh relationship from your selection. The script will: rename the meshes, add the required modifiers and vertex groups, parent them and assign them to their respective collections.

Dual Mesh Edit Mode

Pie Menu - Object Mode

The reason why I created this addon. Though pretty simple, this mode will allow you to edit both mesh at the same time. Dual Mesh edit mode will store your Mesh's visibility settings - so if you work with your Guide Mesh hidden in object mode, it will store its state and restore it once back to object mode. Don't forget to toggle X-RAY view to be sure to select overlapping vertices across both mesh.

Dual Mesh Edit Mode

Pie Menu - Object Mode

The reason why I created this addon. Though pretty simple, this mode will allow you to edit both mesh at the same time. Dual Mesh edit mode will store your Mesh's visibility settings - so if you work with your Guide Mesh hidden in object mode, it will store its state and restore it once back to object mode. Don't forget to toggle X-RAY view to be sure to select overlapping vertices across both mesh.

Dual Mesh Edit Mode

Pie Menu - Object Mode

The reason why I created this addon. Though pretty simple, this mode will allow you to edit both mesh at the same time. Dual Mesh edit mode will store your Mesh's visibility settings - so if you work with your Guide Mesh hidden in object mode, it will store its state and restore it once back to object mode. Don't forget to toggle X-RAY view to be sure to select overlapping vertices across both mesh.

Detailing - Panel Gap shortcut

Pie Menu - Edit Mode

Transform an existing edge or create a new edge loop with the Knife tool, then use the Panel Gap tool to instantly transform it into a Panel Gap. To undo your panel gap, select all its vertices with X-ray on, then use the corresponding operator.

Detailing - Panel Gap shortcut

Pie Menu - Edit Mode

Transform an existing edge or create a new edge loop with the Knife tool, then use the Panel Gap tool to instantly transform it into a Panel Gap. To undo your panel gap, select all its vertices with X-ray on, then use the corresponding operator.

Detailing - Panel Gap shortcut

Pie Menu - Edit Mode

Transform an existing edge or create a new edge loop with the Knife tool, then use the Panel Gap tool to instantly transform it into a Panel Gap. To undo your panel gap, select all its vertices with X-ray on, then use the corresponding operator.

Display settings

Pie Menu - Object + Edit Mode

The Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor setup defaults to displaying your Guide Mesh as bounds, which shows it in wireframe while in edit mode. Sometimes, you might need to view it in different states, so using this shortcut can save you time.

Display settings

Pie Menu - Object + Edit Mode

The Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor setup defaults to displaying your Guide Mesh as bounds, which shows it in wireframe while in edit mode. Sometimes, you might need to view it in different states, so using this shortcut can save you time.

Display settings

Pie Menu - Object + Edit Mode

The Guide Mesh <> Final Mesh Editor setup defaults to displaying your Guide Mesh as bounds, which shows it in wireframe while in edit mode. Sometimes, you might need to view it in different states, so using this shortcut can save you time.

Isolate Guide Mesh / Isolate Final Mesh / Reveal all

Pie Menu - Edit Mode

While in Dual Mesh Edit Mode, this function allows you to isolate the mesh that you want to focus on. It displays a text at the top of the viewport as a reminder.

Isolate Guide Mesh / Isolate Final Mesh / Reveal all

Pie Menu - Edit Mode

While in Dual Mesh Edit Mode, this function allows you to isolate the mesh that you want to focus on. It displays a text at the top of the viewport as a reminder.

Isolate Guide Mesh / Isolate Final Mesh / Reveal all

Pie Menu - Edit Mode

While in Dual Mesh Edit Mode, this function allows you to isolate the mesh that you want to focus on. It displays a text at the top of the viewport as a reminder.


Pie Menu - Object Mode

Think of it as an automated version of the Snap'Adjust mode down below. While in Dual Edit Mode, use this function to Automatically snap any vertices from one mesh to another, within a certain threshold set in the addon preferences (default threshold is 1mm). In the example below, I intentionally misplace a vertex on the Guide Mesh, then use the Autosnap' (Guide onto Final) feature (it snaps back to the nearest vertex from the Final Mesh).


Pie Menu - Object Mode

Think of it as an automated version of the Snap'Adjust mode down below. While in Dual Edit Mode, use this function to Automatically snap any vertices from one mesh to another, within a certain threshold set in the addon preferences (default threshold is 1mm). In the example below, I intentionally misplace a vertex on the Guide Mesh, then use the Autosnap' (Guide onto Final) feature (it snaps back to the nearest vertex from the Final Mesh).


Pie Menu - Object Mode

Think of it as an automated version of the Snap'Adjust mode down below. While in Dual Edit Mode, use this function to Automatically snap any vertices from one mesh to another, within a certain threshold set in the addon preferences (default threshold is 1mm). In the example below, I intentionally misplace a vertex on the Guide Mesh, then use the Autosnap' (Guide onto Final) feature (it snaps back to the nearest vertex from the Final Mesh).


Pie Menu - Edit Mode

This oddly satisfying mode makes one mesh non-selectable, but enables you to snap the vertices of the other mesh onto the locked mesh (vertex and edge snapping are enabled by default). Use this in case AutoSnap' creates unwanted snapping results


Pie Menu - Edit Mode

This oddly satisfying mode makes one mesh non-selectable, but enables you to snap the vertices of the other mesh onto the locked mesh (vertex and edge snapping are enabled by default). Use this in case AutoSnap' creates unwanted snapping results


Pie Menu - Edit Mode

This oddly satisfying mode makes one mesh non-selectable, but enables you to snap the vertices of the other mesh onto the locked mesh (vertex and edge snapping are enabled by default). Use this in case AutoSnap' creates unwanted snapping results

Select matching geometries across all meshes

Pie Menu - Edit Mode

Based on your selection, detects any vertices, edges and faces on the other mesh sharing the same coordinates. Can be useful when you want to do design changes requiring extrusion or beveling on both mesh at the same time. Can present some bugs due to the nature of its mechanics.

Select matching geometries across all meshes

Pie Menu - Edit Mode

Based on your selection, detects any vertices, edges and faces on the other mesh sharing the same coordinates. Can be useful when you want to do design changes requiring extrusion or beveling on both mesh at the same time. Can present some bugs due to the nature of its mechanics.

Select matching geometries across all meshes

Pie Menu - Edit Mode

Based on your selection, detects any vertices, edges and faces on the other mesh sharing the same coordinates. Can be useful when you want to do design changes requiring extrusion or beveling on both mesh at the same time. Can present some bugs due to the nature of its mechanics.

Select Overlapping Vertex

Pie menu - Edit Mode

Based on your selection, this provides a list of meshes sharing a vertex with identical coordinates. It can be useful for selecting a specific vertex in areas densely populated with vertices in your file

Select Overlapping Vertex

Pie menu - Edit Mode

Based on your selection, this provides a list of meshes sharing a vertex with identical coordinates. It can be useful for selecting a specific vertex in areas densely populated with vertices in your file

Select Overlapping Vertex

Pie menu - Edit Mode

Based on your selection, this provides a list of meshes sharing a vertex with identical coordinates. It can be useful for selecting a specific vertex in areas densely populated with vertices in your file

Version Manager


Version 1.4.2 introduces an enhanced collection system that enables concurrent work on multiple variants, eliminating the need for creating separate files for different design variations.

  • Select, hide, duplicate, or delete a Version along with its entire content

  • Assign a Version to the add-on's pie menu (the pie menu's shortcuts can only focus on one version at a time

Version Manager


Version 1.4.2 introduces an enhanced collection system that enables concurrent work on multiple variants, eliminating the need for creating separate files for different design variations.

  • Select, hide, duplicate, or delete a Version along with its entire content

  • Assign a Version to the add-on's pie menu (the pie menu's shortcuts can only focus on one version at a time

Version Manager


Version 1.4.2 introduces an enhanced collection system that enables concurrent work on multiple variants, eliminating the need for creating separate files for different design variations.

  • Select, hide, duplicate, or delete a Version along with its entire content

  • Assign a Version to the add-on's pie menu (the pie menu's shortcuts can only focus on one version at a time

This addon is in constant evolution and may present some glitches.

Happy Blending!

Happy Blending!

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